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Showing posts from 2022

Quick Tips : Use SFDX Auth token within CURL requests (Mac/ Linux)

I came across a peculiar requirement recently, wherein we needed to download files in a scheduled job. As you all know downloading a file can be a tricky affair with Salesforce.  Fortunately, using REST API we can achieve it. So, the solution became somewhat easier, wherein we could make a CURL call and download the file.  However, all usual cases reference using login name/ password or some reference using the Connected app (OAuth) route. For my specific use case, I already have a machine setup with SFDX and with target orgs authenticated. This solution helps just in that case. With command line scripting it is quite easy (for folks who are experienced with the command line). It took some time for me to get it working. Note: This approach should be chosen after appropriate review/analysis of other approaches, namely, OAuth-based login flows for app authentication. Tools used SFDX - to retrieve auth tokens Curl - to make API calls via the command line  JQ - to parse JSON ...

Quick Tips: Sort Pipeline by Sales stages with Salesforce Tableau CRM (Einstein Analytics)

Quick Tips: Sort Pipeline by Sales stages with Salesforce CRM Analytics (aka Tableau CRM) Problem Statement While working on a recent change, we realized (a bit late) that the sales pipeline view shows sales stages in incorrect order. Ideally, you would want the pipeline view to reflect the stage in the same sequence as the sales process (for example Prospect, Propose, Negotiate, Close). Sales Path Sales Pipeline Initial SAQL q = load "opportunities" ; q = group q by 'StageName' ; q = foreach q generate 'StageName' as 'StageName' ,      sum ( 'Amount' ) as 'sum_Amount' ; q = order q by 'StageName' asc ; q = limit q 2000 ; Solution Approach Approach 1: Augment a field within the Opportunity dataset (CRM Analytics) to generate a new column for the Sales stage sequence This approach would be faster to deliver and has comparatively less change. However, as sales stages are changed/ updated it can result in the Tableau CRM da...

Quick Tip : Stop emails from Sandbox to unwanted domains

Designing a robust automated system is challenging yet profoundly satisfying. I'm sure most can relate, it is bliss to watch the system automatically doing all the work, like clockwork (quite literally). However, there can be some downsides as well. In our example, we wanted to ensure that in no way possible, an email is sent out to external recipients from a sandbox. Of course, the first step would be to mask the required data. However, there's still a possibility that real email addresses can make it into a sandbox. So, we devised a solution to absolutely restrict such emails from a sandbox. The solution is actually quite simple. This solution only targets email sent out manually by users in a sandbox. It does not address emails sent via apex, automation or third party tools Step 1 - Identify the test domain Identify a domain that you want to enable, to be able to send test emails from the sandbox. For example, if you are in XYZ Inc, you most likely want to send test ema...